Thursday, 10 September 2009


Some people may disapprove of me putting this on my blog, but it's something I feel very strongly about and if encourages just one person to join the fight and ask their friends to consider it, then it is worthwhile. The link below takes you to the PETA site and describes Canada's annual seal hunt. There is a video and please watch it with CAUTION. It is very distressing. I have still not managed to watch it to the end.


  1. The images are disagreeable but thid hunting dosn't damages the population of seals and in addition, there is a market that it gives to eat to hundreds of families from Canada.

    A greeting from Spain

  2. Welcome and thank you for your comment. From what PETA state there is no market for seal meat in Canada and carcasses are left to rot on the ice; The manner in which they are hunted and destroyed (if PETA's statement is correct) is unacceptable. There are more humane ways in this day and age, of hunting.

  3. I'm so glad you have highlighted this vile practice. I'm afraid I can't manage any of the video because I know exactly what I will see! I was a member of Greenpeace for years and they did a lot to bring it to public attention. How anybody can even start to justify this abomination is beyond my comprehension!!!

  4. Hello Shy Songbird. Thank you for your comment. Obviously, we are like minded on this subject. I just hope things change and soon.

  5. Hi Angie,

    I love Canada as a Country, but this disgusting and vile practice has no place in this World. The sooner this is brought to an end the better. Sickens me.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention Angie.


  6. Hello John. Thank you. I have never been to Canada, but I am sure it is lovely from the pictures I have seen, and I'm sure it would be even better if the "people" who earn their living by beating and skinning (sometimes alive) innocent, beautiful, defenceless creatures for their fur for someone else's vanity, did not exist.

  7. The video is gruesome.I could only watch until I saw how cruel,bloody and disgusting that they are killed like this.
    And they are babies, please tell how to help.

  8. Hi Brad. Copy and paste the link below to bring up the PETA website page. Complete and send off the letter to the people named. It only takes a few moments. Please send it to all your friends too. THANK YOU :-)
