There was a definite lack of Swift action from the garden this morning and I was aware that I had little time as I had chores in the house… The Swifts were there, but I could not catch them on camera (even when I lay on the ground - this did not help my back either!!) Feeders full and into the house I went, feeling deflated. I got on with the cleaning “swiftly”, knowing I had to clean the garden up, and get back out there with the camera as soon as I could!
First up are the Starlings… just to demonstrate the lengths they will go to when the feeding tables are void of pellets!

I did get some shots of Swifts later, albeit not brilliant…


A Buzzard. He flew over casually, surveying the land. .

Then, number 2. Now this one foxed me… it flew over again casually, and I got a lot of shots of it, and I am pleased to say, not bad shots for me.
Red Kite
1. Buzzard
2. Sparrowhawk
3. Red Kite
4. H Gull
5. Woodpigeon
6. C Dove
7. Swift
8. Swallow
9. Wren (heard)
10. Dunnock
11. Robin
12. Blackbird
13. Chiffchaff (heard)
14. Coal Tit
15. Great Tit
16. Blue Tit
17. LT Tit
18. Magpie
19. Jackdaw
20. Rook
21. Carrion Crow
22. Starling
23. House Sparrow
24. Chaffinch
25. Goldfinch
26. Greenfinch
5. Woodpigeon
6. C Dove
7. Swift
8. Swallow
9. Wren (heard)
10. Dunnock
11. Robin
12. Blackbird
13. Chiffchaff (heard)
14. Coal Tit
15. Great Tit
16. Blue Tit
17. LT Tit
18. Magpie
19. Jackdaw
20. Rook
21. Carrion Crow
22. Starling
23. House Sparrow
24. Chaffinch
25. Goldfinch
26. Greenfinch