I just knew today was going to be difficult somewhere down the line! I did as I said I would and purchased £17.48 worth of pencils, white cartridge paper, a putty smudger and some charcoal thrown in for good measure! Only problem was that I had a family party to attend this afternoon. I did enjoy it, as I don't see much of my family and I got the opportunity to take some nice pictures of the Springtime lambs!
The male Smew was my choice for this evening, as I thought "how difficult can it be to draw a black and white bird in black and white?"
I have looked at many pictures (48 to be exact) and they are all very different to what you will see in the Collins' field guide! I nearly gave up, but determination kept me going and the need to practice so here he is (looking very unfinished, but he is, I can assure you!). The practice will have done some good I suppose!
