I took some pictures, but the light was not good, as usual at the moment so I’ve put up the best of a bad bunch!
So, my garden day list today:-
1. Herring Gull
2. Woodpigeon
3. Collared Dove
4. Great Spotted Woodpecker (male)
5. Pied Wagtail
6. Wren (heard)
7. Dunnock
8. Robin
9. Redwing
10. Blackbird
11. Blackcap (M & F)
12. Goldcrest
13. Firecrest
14. Great Tit
15. Blue Tit
16. Coal Tit
17. Long Tailed Tit
18. Magpie
19. Jay
20. Carrion Crow
21. Starling
22. House Sparrow
23. Chaffinch
24. Bullfinch