Chamomile, Wild Angelica, Oregano, Evening Primrose, Speedwell, Teasel, Thistle, Nettle, Bramble, Foxglove, Meadow Foxtail (I think), Ragwort, Cow Parsley, Spleenwort (I think), Dock Leaf, different Heathers, Celandine, Lichen, various Ferns, Juncus and many many more!
Plus, I have seen a Charm of around 50 Goldfinches, Butterflies (even though the weather was not too good for them), Insects, baby Toads and Rabbits. Oh, and Fox poo!
I also had a very unexpected life tick… Green Woodpecker (which as usual I would not have ID’d had I not been out with an experienced birder) and I had to come home and break the news to the Abbot! Sorry, but I have faith that you will tick it soon (that is if we can ID it!!!).
No Bird pics and only one the following was taken by me I think, although they were taken on our little Nikon, which produces much clearer images of insects than my big heavy lens (probably due to the user and not the lens though)...
This little one will be a Painted Lady Butterfly soon...

Three images of a Great Green Bush Cricket, which looks a lot bigger in real life...

My day list (including my morning head count in the garden):-
1. Great Crested Grebe
2. Cormorant
3. Mute Swan
4. Mallard
5. Buzzard
6. Juv. Moorhen
7. Greenshank
8. Curlew
9. Black Headed Gull
10. Herring Gull
11. Great Black Backed Gull
12. Woodpigeon
13. Collared Dove
14. Stock Dove
15. Green Woodpecker
16. Great Spotted Woodpecker
17. Swift
18. Swallow
19. House Martin
20. Pied Wagtail
21. Wren
22. Dunnock
23. Robin
24. Song Thrush (heard)
25. Blackbird
26. Blackcap
27. Whitethroat
28. Sedge Warbler
29. Willow Warbler
30. Spotted Flycatcher
31. Great Tit
32. Blue Tit
33. Coal Tit
34. Magpie
35. Jackdaw
36. Rook
37. Carrion Crow
38. Raven
39. Starling
40. House Sparrow
41. Chaffinch
42. Goldfinch
43. Greenfinch
1. Great Crested Grebe
2. Cormorant
3. Mute Swan
4. Mallard
5. Buzzard
6. Juv. Moorhen
7. Greenshank
8. Curlew
9. Black Headed Gull
10. Herring Gull
11. Great Black Backed Gull
12. Woodpigeon
13. Collared Dove
14. Stock Dove
15. Green Woodpecker
16. Great Spotted Woodpecker
17. Swift
18. Swallow
19. House Martin
20. Pied Wagtail
21. Wren
22. Dunnock
23. Robin
24. Song Thrush (heard)
25. Blackbird
26. Blackcap
27. Whitethroat
28. Sedge Warbler
29. Willow Warbler
30. Spotted Flycatcher
31. Great Tit
32. Blue Tit
33. Coal Tit
34. Magpie
35. Jackdaw
36. Rook
37. Carrion Crow
38. Raven
39. Starling
40. House Sparrow
41. Chaffinch
42. Goldfinch
43. Greenfinch