What followed was a day list of 69 species, 3 life ticks for me (Red-Throated Diver, Red-Necked Grebe and Eider) and numerous year ticks; as always a valuable lesson out in the field and a very enjoyable morning! In fact I enjoyed it so much that after I had left Derek and visited my friend Molly I decided to use the last hour or so before the light faded to have a look at Manoa Valley Sewage works, where I spotted the gates to the sewage works had been left open and a couple of South West Water employees were sitting in a van inside the compound. I smiled at Trevor and jumped out of the car. I went in and explained to them why we were there; how the sun is always in a difficult position at that time of day to look into the trees and how nice it would be if we could spend some time inside the sewage works compound (never thought I’d ever find myself saying something like that to anyone!). Anyway, the one chap said to me “you are welcome to come in for a while; we’ll be here for another half an hour, but I doubt you’ll see anything in ere except seagulls love”… to which I replied “where there’s muck, there’s flies and where there’s flies there’s birds”… He smiled, winked at me and said “enjoy!” :-)
Chiffchaff - Manoa Valley
Dunnock - Gorran - I got to know the Dunnock better today, thanks to Derek. The female Dunnock is apparently "Polyandrous" - No further comment!
Info. for the Dunnock can be found at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunnock
Female Eider - Porthmellon