A quick post, as we have visitors. I had a couple of hours out this afternoon at Par and including my morning head count my day list for birds is: 43. My day list for Butterflies is: 7. It was warm, but windy and trying to photograph a Butterfly on a swinging plant is VERY frustrating! I went off alone. I said to the Abbot we must go our separate ways as we just keep photographing the same things! So off we went... me one way and Trevor the other, although I could see him every now and again appearing through the gorse and keeping an eye on me!
This guy cheered me up. I've been trying to catch one for a while. I took it from two different angles. I have lots of shots, but not enough time to go through them! He rested for a long time - unusually. I think it is a Common Darter...


Red Admiral

This Green Veined White managed to find a small amout of Budlia still in bloom!

This one I am not sure about. I have looked through my Collins guide - I got as far as Thorn/Hawk! HELP!!!
NOTE: Thanks to John Swann - The Moth is a Silver Y.


BIG Bumble Bee... I love Bees...