Saturday, 23 January 2010

Smew at Slimbridge. Beautiful birds...




  1. About 20 years ago, I toured Britain by an offer from British Rail for youth (I do not know if it will remain possible: you had to pay an amount, but you cuold travel unlimited for 30 days by train across the country! ). I remember we visited Slimbridge and had never seen so many species of ducks together! It was spectacular! I still remember some species that impressed me, as the Common Goldeneye and mandarin duck. Greetings!

  2. Lovely birds! A possible sub-theme for this post could be 'a day of birds with dramatic black-and-white facial patterns'. Something about your shots makes both birds look really dramatic!

  3. wow what a chance to be able to see this duck! I've seen it for the first time this year, but it was a female! I'd like to see a male one day! Beautiful pictures of them you got!

  4. Thank you Chris. They are gorgeous. I'd love to see one in the wild though!

  5. Atanasio. That's lovely. Nice that know what I am talking about and where it is! I am sure they do offers like that now from time to time, but more expensively! Saludos.

    Thank you Felicia.
