Thursday, 25 February 2010

Less time this evening, as I had committee work that NEEDED to be done, but I was determined to pick up that pencil again. GC Grebe was still top of the list. Maybe a Redwing or Songthrush next! I have to say I am finding this much more enjoyable than my failed attempts at meditation in the past. With drawing you have to concentrate, but not like when you are working; it is much, much more theraputic! The difficulty is, with modern technology you can be tempted to tamper, and I did have a dark pencil line that needed to be removed.


  1. Nice to see the work of a fellow artist. There's one difference you deserve RA after your name and they would put piss in front of mine.
    They get better.

  2. Splendid. You are an artist and not only with your camera!

  3. That's great! Reminds me of a photo of one i took last year.

  4. Oh WOW!! What an absolutely beautiful drawing and on the previous post too, my mouth dropped open when I came over here. I am really green with envy, how I wish I could draw like that, such a talent! You MUST give us more :)

  5. Thank you Adrian :-)
    Thank you too Mike. GCG's are very graceful and a pleasure to draw.
    Thanks Chris. They go hand in hand. I could not draw from memory - I have a hopeless memory!
    Thank you too Troy - Nice to hear from you again. Hope you are keeping well.
    Thanks Mark.
    Thank you SSB - you are very kind.

  6. A brilliant photographer, and a brilliant artist too.
