Thursday, 16 June 2011

I wonder if anyone can shed any light?  I am having problems with my blog.  I can look at the blogs I follow, but I can't leave a comment "as me"; it just puts "anonymous" or boots me out!  I can't view my followers either.  I can sign into my blog and post, but when I click on another blog it forgets that I'm signed in ????????????????


  1. Looks like it is quite common. Iðve been contacted by people who could not write any message on my blog, but I do not know how to deal with it!

  2. We had that problem,Angie look at your signing in Tick box.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Blogger ShySongbird said...

    Hi Angie :) It seems a lot of people have had this problem. I read that it can be overcome by un-ticking the 'keep me signed in' box.

    I do stay signed in and haven't had the problem but it is worth trying.

  5. Hi Angie, sometimes its a particular type of template you are using that causes the problem. You may want to try another one I was having problems back along and had to change because I couldn't actually type in the response to peoples comments.
