Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!
As most of you know by now my mother lives with me, and today (having been Christmas shopping for three weeks and away from home) she was adamant that I was to get into the Christmas spirit! She wanted me to buy the Christmas tree and put it up - TODAY WITHOUT FAIL! That's tradition - I do all the work and she swans around singing Christmas songs whilst I tut my way through the day! I was up at 4am and listening to the dawn chorus; Hesper (my dog) by my side (as always) and having fed the birds and done the garden morning head count we lay on the sofa and snuggled up until the troops arrived and then it was back to the garden (well, the back doorstep with my coffee and Hesper snuggled at my side) and I was not prepared for what turned up. I managed to get the camera set up EVENTUALLY and I'm so pleased it was Sunday.... I spent most of the morning trying to capture this little tyke (much to mother's dislike!). I still got the tree, put it up and to top that, I PUT UP ANOTHER TREE so we have TWO!
Here's my little tyke and although I can't wait for the Spring (as it really is my favourite time of year) I hope he/she stays with us for the winter.... I shall work on getting better quality shots!



DUNNOCK, in the garden too...